Hi, I’m Samantha,

When I was small I loved art. It was the way for me to create a world with no worries or cares. In my stories I could escape from the world where I felt so alone. When I grew up I wanted to help other people like me, so I learned about psychology. I felt called to be a mental health counselor but I was not able to pay the money needed to go to school and finish the masters degree. I went through my first year and enjoyed it so much, so i decided to look other places that I could help people. That is why I started this blog, and the podcasts the go with it.

I would like to help you with exploring your values and finding ways to live your life fully engaged in what important to you. I want to help you find your character strengths, and find what characteristics that you want to upgrade. I want to help you understand your current map of the world, how you are currently meetings you needs, and then find ways to remodel you world to fit in ways that create a win win for you and those around you.
I am really good at seeing the big picture and all the little details within it, I also am fantastic at using creativity to help people see whats most important, and find resources to help others create the life that they want, sometimes little by little and sometimes like turing on a light switch. I hold a Bachelors degree in Psychology with an empahisis in life coaching, a Masters degree in Psychology with an emphasis in health, and I have attended the first year of a Masters degree in Mental Health Counseling. I hold multiple certificates in Coaching including level 1 in Mental Health Coaching.

  1. I was born in California
  2. I love sleeping in as late as possible, whic usually isn’t too late because I also love to work in my garden before it gets too hot.
  3. Please don’t interupt me if I am napping
  4. I love funyun wavy lays
  5. I struggle with depression and anxiety but hide is pretty well when im with other people.
  6. When I get stressed I binge watch TV then make a plan to overcome whats stressing me
  7. My love language is touch
  8. I really like walking through big beautiful gardens
  9. My family is my world and I miss being surrounded by little children.
  10. I see my students as my children, and I am now old enough that many are young enough to be my children.

I so look forward to serving my audience in a way that helps them better thier life, and maybe even going back to school to finish my doctorate in the future if that would further help people. Got a question? Feel free to email me at samantha.alva@protonmail.com.